Sponsorship Levels
2024-2025 Academic Year (7/1/24 - 6/30/25)
One representative appointed to the HBCU Business Deans Roundtable (HBCU BDR) Advisory Board
Listed as a Strategic Partner on the website
Featured in one newsletter or Business Buzz annually
A dedicated feature or placement on the website for a month pre-summit and six (6) months post-summit
Year-long recognition as the Strategic Partner for all communications.
Option to participate in the planning of future summits or HBCU BDR member regional events
Four (4) webinars per year to engage members and students.
Unlimited e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
Custom Branding
Four (4) banner ad placements on the HBCU BDR website
Custom Branding to include priority logo placement on all promotional materials and exclusive branding on HBCU BDR-sponsored events
Summit Sponsorship Package
Presenting sponsor for the year’s annual Summit
Summit Awards Banquet Speaker
VIP access, including priority seating and a speaking opportunity or moderator role at one high-profile session
Sponsor a breakout track or specific session highlighting expertise or focus area
Twenty full Summit registrations
Two reserved tables at the Summit Awards Banquet
Name and logo on all Summit promotional materials
2- Full-page ads in the Summit Virtual Program
Two (2) Exhibit tables at the Summit
Co-sponsor for the Student Summit (if held)
Organize and structure the Student Summit in collaboration with the HBCU Deans Student Summit Committee chair to include:
Priority input for the event agenda that aligns with the needs and interests of HBCU students
Selecting and co-creating session themes relevant to the student audience
Advisory role in coordinating the event and overall session structure
In combination with Diamond Partners, manage and lead at least 65% of the Student Summit sessions. If there are multiple Diamond Partners, sessions will be divided.
Exclusive Engagement
Host a private engagement event with selected HBCU students and deans separate from the Summit
Lead or host a private recruitment event with selected HBCU students
Make check payable to:
HBCU Business Deans Roundtable
Mail to:
Dr. Le-Quita Booth
Executive Director
HBCU Business Deans Roundtable
PO Box 6673
Columbus, GA 31917
For more information contact: