2024-2025 Academic Year (7/1/24 - 6/30/25)
Strategic Partner – $100,000+
One representative appointed to the Advisory Board of the HBCU’s Business Deans Roundtable
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
Two webinars with HBCU BDR Membership
Unlimited e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
Two banner ad placements on the HBCU BDR website
Summit Sponsorship Package:
Presenting sponsor for the year’s annual Summit
Summit Awards Banquet – Lunch Speaker
Twenty full Summit registrations
Two reserved tables at the Summit Awards Banquet
Name and logo on all Summit promotional materials
2- Full page ads in Summit Virtual Program
Exhibit table at the Summit
Co-sponsor for the Student Summit (if held)
Opportunity to coordinate the Student Summit
Diamond Partner – $50,000
One representative appointed to the Advisory Board of the HBCU’s Business Deans Roundtable
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
Two webinars with HBCU BDR Membership
Unlimited e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
Two banner ad placements on the HBCU BDR website
Summit Sponsorship Package:
Summit Awards Banquet – Breakfast Sponsor
Ten full Summit registrations
Two reserved tables at the Summit Awards Banquet
Co-sponsor for the Student Summit (if held)
Name and logo on all Summit promotional materials
Full page ad in Virtual Summit Program
Exhibit table at the Summit
Opportunity to coordinate the Student Summit
Platinum Partner – $25,000
One representative appointed to the Advisory Board of HBCU’s Business Deans Roundtable
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
One webinar with HBCU BDR Membership
Unlimited e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
Two banner ad placements on the HBCU BDR website
Summit Sponsorship Package:
Five full Summit registrations
Name and logo on all Summit promotional materials
2-Half page ads in Virtual Summit Program
Opportunity to participate in the Student Summit
Exhibit table at the Summit
Gold Partner – $15,000
One representative appointed to the Advisory Board of the HBCU’s Business Deans Roundtable
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
One webinar with HBCU BDR Membership
Six e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
Two banner ad placements on the HBCU BDR website
Summit Sponsorship Package:
Three full registrations
Half page ad in Summit program
Exhibit table at the Summit
Silver Partner – $10,000
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
One webinar with HBCU BDR Membership
Four e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
One banner ad placement on the HBCU BDR website
Summit Sponsorship Package:
Two full Summit registrations
One-third page ad in Summit program
Exhibit table at the Summit
Bronze Level Supporter – $5,000
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
Two e-announcements to HBCU BDR Membership
One banner ad placement on the HBCU BDR website
Summit Sponsorship Package:
One full Summit registration
Quarter page ad in Summit program
Exhibit table at the Summit
Associate Partner – $2,500
Listed on our website as an HBCU Business Deans Roundtable partner
Summit Package Participation:
One full Summit registration
Make check payable to:
HBCU Business Deans Roundtable
Mail to:
Dr. Le-Quita Booth
Executive Director
HBCU Business Deans Roundtable
PO Box 6673
Columbus, GA 31907
760 464-5009